Sell with Confidence
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  • Brisbane’s golden decade

    The titans of the real estate industry in Australia all agree the Queensland capital is a place of real growth and positivity compared to the rest of the country.

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  • Brisbane 100 raises the bar

    A staggering $75.250 million worth of property changed hands today in six hours at Ray White Queensland’s huge Brisbane 100 in-room auction event at the Howard Smith Wharves, which shows the unstoppable strength of the local property market.

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  • Year of the auction

    Ray White, the leading auction house in Australia, booked 30,400 auctions in 2023/24, a huge increase of 21 per cent on the prior year.

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  • Dress for success

    Whether you are selling a farm, a mansion or a ground floor apartment, what you wear as a real estate agent while representing your client speaks volumes. First impressions are everything, and this is where fashion comes into play as well as professionalism. Most vendors appreciate and notice good taste and great style. … Read more

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  • 11 Habits of Mentally Strong People

    Mental strength or mental toughness is our ability to regulate our own emotions, manage our thoughts, and behave in a positive manner, despite the prevailing circumstances. Developing mental strength is about finding the courage to live according to your values and being bold enough to create your own definition of … Read more

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  • Online Vs Bricks & Mortar Banks

    As a rule of thumb, a lot of us tend to stick with what we know — the banks and brands that we stay with year after year, even though we may grumble from time to time about the sort of deals they are offering. Online banking, at least to … Read more

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  • Selling in Summer

    Selling your home in summer lets you show it off at its very best. But enticing prospective buyers in can be tricky, when many prefer to avoid attending open homes when it’s just too hot. Many people believe it makes sense to throw open doors and windows to the breeze; … Read more

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  • Cost Effective Renovations

    How do you get the biggest bang for your renovation buck? Domain consulted the experts to discover the most cost-effective renovations that could make the biggest difference to your home. From minor additions to big-ticket structural changes, here’s what they had to say. Install a skylight Let there be light. … Read more

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  • Professional Photographs Vs Point & Shoot

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It has always amazed us when scrolling through pages and pages of property, that agents are still using an iPhone or similar for property photography. The dark and fuzzy images are not attractive, and they certainly don’t draw the eye (at least … Read more

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  • Salt Lamps: 10 Reasons Why We Love Them

    You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan salt lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it. If … Read more

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  • Banning The Clutter: When Less Is More

    It’s easy to lose your way when it comes to clutter. Your child brings home twenty hand drawn pictures every week, that supermarket cooking magazine is SO worth keeping for that one recipe and the bills need to be kept out so that you remember to pay them. Week by … Read more

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  • Attention Agents: 10 Mantras For a Successful Mindset

    I’m sure most of us are well aware that success relies on two key factors: a great business strategy and an overwhelming desire to succeed. However, they’re a package deal – if you’re lacking in one or the other, you will struggle. In saying this, it’s also important to acknowledge that … Read more

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  • Matt Lancashire’s Tips on Conducting Open Homes

    I strive to do this thing I call “World Class Opens” so its imperative that when you’re there on a Saturday you look sharp, act personable, you have all the information, you have all the knowledge and when that person walks out the front door they go “wow, that was the best … Read more

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