Are you embarking on the journey of building your new home, filling a new home or somehow don’t feel at home in your current home? Have no fear, the fun starts here. Finding your style and applying it to the structure can be incredibly daunting. There are several blogs, tips and reviews on the internet about how to decorate to reflect each season.. check out our Alexandra MacMillian: Have your home looking fresh this spring. But to do that, a style foundation needs to be set before it becomes a seasonal change. To give you a general idea; Classic, Art Deco, Scandinavian, Modern and French country are just some styles that spring to mind. Below are 6 tips for a one stop style shop. These steps can be done over whatever period of time suits you and have next to no cost.. Win, win!

Look into other areas of your life
What your wear and what your fashion style looks like. What colours and textures are already in your home. What you like to cook and eat. Treasured pieces you’ve acquired over time. These are all great places to start and reflect your true self. All things, whatever they may be that make you feel comfortable, happy and even slightly aroused….
The neighbourhood and surrounds
You were drawn to something in the street or suburb and surrounds that you now reside in, so why not look for inspiration where you originally did. Coastal, country, city life or rainforest are big hints but if it’s not that simple have a perve at your neighbours.. just don’t let them catch you. Walk along your street and take in the exteriors, facades or prominent features that are easily visible. Take note of what catches your attention on your drive home, the particular architectures for example.
Favourite holiday destinations
This should be easy. Everyone loves a holiday and everyone has a ‘top 5 places’ that love, or would love, to visit. Simply ask yourself, why those places? Holiday destinations are a very personal thing similarly to your fashion sense. You might begin to identify some common threads between these two areas. Do you prefer the bright colours from a tropical escape in Bora Bora or the grandeur and moody tones of New York? Make a list, start to create a mood board of dreams.
The only tip on this list that doesn’t come free of charge unless you can borrow some off a friend or relinquish your email address and subscribe to online magazines. Pinterest is a free alternative that is quickly becoming one of the most popular social media sites. Magazines or Pinterest are fantastic. With these images, just tear out or pin whatever resonates with you. Don’t overthink or hesitate, just do.
Identify commonalities – colour palettes, patterns and textures
After actively doing these four things some distinguishable commonalities will appear. Colours in particular. Embrace these blends if not just one colour you like. This will provide some clarity for not only your decorating style but maybe within yourself. You want to inject yourself into and resonate with the space.
Online quizzes
There are plenty of free online quizzes created to help you find your decorating style. This is a super fun activity that will have you occupied for hours. At the end of each quiz they provide you with a style title. Do more than one and don’t be alarmed if on the odd occasion you score a style that totally does not align with previous quizzes, it happens to all of us. Below are some tried and tested links to quizzes that create a consistent decorating style. Enjoy and embrace this process of creating your dream space! If it really isn’t your thing, the research, shopping, renovating, just hire a professional.
What’s your decor style?
What style house should you live in?
Better Homes and Gardens: decorating style quiz
My Style Finder Quiz
Find your design style